SROUND A Spread formula that allows you to scientifically round values.
SROUND(Cell Reference/Value, Decimal Places, optional Method)
Cell Reference/Value: The specifies the value to round.
Decimal Places: Number indicating how many places to the right of the decimal are included in the rounding.
Method: Sets how trailing decimal places are handled when rounding.
- 0 - the default if not specified uses the entire number to round. Example 1.251 rounded to 1 decimal would use the 51 and round up to 1.3.
- 1 - Uses only the next digit after to round. Example 1.251 to 1 decimal would only evaluate 1.25 which would therefore round to 1.2.
Scientific Rounding: When the fractional part is exactly 0.5, the function always rounds it to the nearest even number. For example, 0.5 rounds to 0, and 1.5 rounds to 2. Normal rounding rounds digits 1,2,3, and 4 down. Rounds digits 5,6,7,8, and 9 up.
You can only display up to 10 significant digits using this function.
See Scientific vs Normal rounding for a table showing the key differences between the rounding techinques.
See SROUNDZ for rounding of values with qualifiers (i.e. <2). See ROUND for rounding using normal rules.
=SROUND(1.2250,2) returns 1.22
=SROUND(1.251,1) returns 1.3
=SROUND(1.251,1,0) returns 1.3 (0 is the default so this is the same as equation above)
=SROUND(1.251,1,1) returns 1.2
=SROUND(G8,1) returns 1.6 (where the cell G8 = 1.65)
=SROUND(1.45,1) returns 1.4
=sround(GAVG(1,1,"M"),1) 3.1 (Where the GAVG Function returned 3.106)
=SROUNDZ("<2.5", 0) <2
=SROUNDZ(GAVGZ(1,1,"M",1, 2),1) <3.1 (where GAVGZ returns "<3.11")