The Hach WIMS Direct Server-Side Interface to Custom Q12916 Aspen LIMS imports values from a text file. The file is a standard ASCII comma sperated values type text file.
The LIMS.TXT file is a standard ASCII, comma delimited, text file with the following column definition:
Column 1 - Date time stamp
Column 2 - Variable ID
Column 3 - Result
Column 4 - Detection Limit
Column 5 - Aspen Test ID Number
Column 6 - Expanded Source Data 1 (optional field)
Column 7 - Expanded Source Data 2 (optional field)
Column 8 - Expanded Source Data 3 (optional field)
All 8 columns will be available to Additional Info.
If Detection Limit is U or L, it is converted to < and appended to numeric result value
If Detection Limit is G, it is converted to > and appended to numeric result value
In Hach WIMS Variable Setup, the following will be used to map values to variables:
LIMS_LOC = Variable ID
LIMS_TEST = dummy field, MUST be blank
LIMS_UD1 = Conversion Factor, if there is a value - it is multiplied to numeric result. Default value (field left blank) is 1 (one).
Assumption and Constraints:
1. The import file is LIMS.TXT under a specified folder, defined in Configuration -> Source Configuration of the interface. If a file is specified, that file name will become the default that the interface continues to try to import. For example, if MYLIMS.TXT is selected in source configuration, then the interface will always look for MYLIMS.TXT.
2. Text result values that are limited to list must be spelled the same, but not case sensitive. So PRESENT will match Present, however, PRESENCE will not match PRESENT. If data contains both spellings, add the additional option to the limit list.
3. The entire file is processed, therefore when importing the data from the source data file, all data is imported to the date-time stamp on the first column, regardless of the current day or last run day and time.
4. In the source data file, there are a minimum of 5 columns of data in each row (as described above), rows with less columns are ignored. Rows can contain up to 8 columns of data in order to allow for future growth. The extra columns can be imported into Additional Info fields created by the user.
5. The source data file is deleted after being processed. If an archive folder is entered, the source data file is archvied with the date and time of the archival added to the file name when moved.