Home : Products : Hach WIMS : Hach WIMS Client : Documentation : Main Menu : Design : Spread Reports : eDMR / eReport : Wisconsin eDMR
Q11185 - INFO: Wisconsin eDMR

This locate menu item is used to locate columns of data to be utilized by Hach WIMS's spread report module to fill out a Wisconsin eDMR (electronic DMR) to be filed with the state's website.

Note: See Wisconsin Wastewater eDMR, updating for DischargeFlag if you need to update an existing report designed prior to WIMS v8.2.4.



<MeasurementQualifier>: Locate the qualifier (symbol) for the variable to populate

<MeasurementValue>: Locate the result (numeric value)

<LimitOfDetection>: The Limit of Detection for the parameter (variable).  You can set the LOD by entering a value (i.e. a 2) or using a Spread Formula (i.e. enter "=AINFO(4001,?,"LOD")" )to calculate the value.  Formulas must be entered with a "=" before the Formula, the "?" will be replaced with a reference to the result date. 

<LimitOfQuantification>: The Limit of Quantification for the parameter (variable), typically 3.3 * LOD.  You can set the LOQ by entering a value (i.e. a 6.6) or using a Spread Formula (i.e. enter "=AINFO(4001,?,"LOQ")" )to calculate the value.  Formulas must be entered with a "=" before the Formula, the "?" will be replaced with a reference to the result date. 

<MeasurementUnit>: The units for the parameter. 

<LaboratoryCertificationNo>:  The Lab Certification Number for the lab that performed the analysis.  You can set  by entering a value (i.e. a 2134123) or using a Spread Formula (i.e. enter "=AINFO(4001,?,"LabNum")" )to calculate the value.  Formulas must be entered with a "=" before the Formula, the "?" will be replaced with a reference to the result date. 

<QCExceedance>:  Check this option to locate a cell where the QCExceedance XML field can be filled in. 


opens a browser to select the appropriate variable from Hach WIMS

loads an input XML file downloaded from the state which specifies each permit requirement

closes the window, locating the corresponding data in the column selected

closes the window without locating any data and returns to the spread report designer


Generating Wisconsin eDMR XML file                                                       


WIMS will attempt to auto pick the variable based on the XML input record selected.  It matches on:

StateMonitoringSiteID = Variable's Location UD9 field
ParameterCodeSystemID = Variable's StoretCode.  WIMS will look for the ParameterCode, i.e. 66 and if does not find 66 in the variable's storetcode field it will attempt to find known storetcodes for 66 (00310).    
ParameterUnitID = Variable's units

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Created on 5/9/2008 9:39 AM.
Last Modified on 1/31/2024 10:59 AM.
Last Modified by Steve Fifer.
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