The following are a list of feedback from customers/regional boards on how to calculate and fill out the form:
1. When locating a monthly Average (Mean) Data Type and the sample is only taken once/month we need to report it twice. Once with a Stat of Single, then with a stat of Monthly Average. (Ventura)
2. When reporting Monthly Averages (or any monthly stat???), the collect date and analysis date may need to be set to the end of month (or period). (Ventura)
3. Need to decide how to handle DNQ, ie where will the MDL and RL be kept. If they are constant, use the locate tool and simply set to the constant, or use a variable to keep these values and use the LV function to pull them up.
4. When calculating load, use entered value * flow* 8.34. For example: <2 mg/L * 1MGD * 8.34 = <16.7. If you are using a different rule for <, use the MDLV function to calc. MDLV(V4011,1) * V1 * 8.34. (Regional Board)