Home : Products : Hach WIMS : Hach WIMS Client : Documentation : Main Menu : Design : Spread Reports : eDMR / eReport : CIWQS Error: Could not find file
Q14176 - KNOWNISSUE: CIWQS Error: Could not find file

When generating a CIWQS report, the error message "Error: In Function GenCaliforniaCDF_10. Could not find file" appears.

 Message Prior to v7.5
Message v7.5 and later                           

There are a couple of things that could possible cause this problem, this article addresses these issues.

The basic steps for creating a CIWQS report are:

  1. Open Spread Report in Design Mode (menu option Design and then Spread Reports).
  2. Create New from the CA_CIWQS.HWR template.
  3. Fill in CDFINFO.
  4. Highlight the cell E2 just under CDF.CSV
  5. Locate CIWQS to begin adding your variables.

NOTE: If you don't see CA_CIWQS.HWR, you can download it from Q11378 - California Drinking Water Report Templates at the very bottom of the article.

Your form should look similar to this:


So what is causing the problem?

  1. Notice there are required fields in the CDFINFO area (highlighted in red) - THEY MUST BE FILLED IN WHEN DESIGNING THIS FORM. Fill them in now and save the form.
  2. Notice there are two main areas - CDINFO.TXT and CDF.CSV - they must exist and this is what separates between the two files associated with the CIWQS file to be uploaded. IF CDINFO.TXT is missing, it will need to be copied from another report using the CIWQS template (the template has the required Cell Notes).
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Created on 12/20/2013 1:11 PM.
Last Modified on 12/20/2013 1:44 PM.
Last Modified by Scott Dorner.
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