Causes this occurrence of a misspelled word to be skipped. If the same misspelled word appears later, it will be reported. |
Causes this and all further occurrences of a misspelled word to be skipped. You might use this button if the word reported as a misspelling is actually spelled correctly. If the word is one you use frequently, you may wish to ignore it permanently by selecting the Add button (Only availiable when using Spell Check Setup). |
Causes this occurrence of the reported word to be replaced. If the problem word was edited, the edited word is used as the replacement. Otherwise, the selected suggestion is used as the replacement. If you want only this occurrence of the word to be replaced, use the Change button. |
Causes this and all following occurrences of the reported word to be replaced. If the problem word was edited, the edited word is used as the replacement. Otherwise, the selected suggestion is used as the replacement. |
Causes the reported word to be added to the dictionary. Use the Add button if a correctly spelled word you use often is reported as a misspelling (e.g., your family name). (Only available when using Spell Check Setup). |
Search more thoroughly for suggested replacements for the current misspelled word. Each time you press the Suggest button, a "deeper" search is made. The Suggest button is disabled once all possible suggestions have been located. |
Stops spell checking and returns to parent form. |
Displays all words that have been added to the user dictionary. Allows you to delete words from the user dictionary that have been added erroneously. |