The Hach WIMS Direct Server-Side Interface to Custom Q13415 LabVantage LIMS is used to transfer daily lab results to the Hach WIMS DBMS. The default table is LIMSSAMPLESTATUS but can be changed in the configuration.
This is an example of source data:
Hach WIMS LIMS_LOC cross-references to LabVantage's LSOURCE field
Hach WIMS LIMS_TEST cross-references to LabVantage's SOURCE field
Hach WIMS LIMS_UD1 cross-references to LabVantage's W_RESULT field
Sample query:
select w_data, w_stat, comments, sdatest, samplestatus, lsource, source, w_result, w_units from LABVANT.LIMSSAMPLESTATUSCOPY where samplestatus='W' and sdatest is not null and lsource is not null and source is not null and w_result is not null and last_updated >= TO_DATE('01-Jan-2002 12:00:00 AM', 'dd-Mon-yyyy HH:MI:SS AM') and last_updated <= TO_DATE('01-Jan-2003 12:00:00 AM', 'dd-Mon-yyyy HH:MI:SS AM') order by sdatest desc, lsource, source, w_result, last_updated desc