Using the Hach WIMS Utility for Custom Q13073 (Q13072) to import values from CSV files into a Hach MS SQL data table. The data table needs to have three fields as shown below:
When you execute the collector Q13072, you will need to configure the utility. Click the Configure button.
On the next screen select Use Standalon configuration to enable the Configure Collector. Click the Conifigure Collector button.
The first tab has General Settings, fill them out as appropriate.
This collector can run daily or hourly. When Daily is selected, enter the hour and the minutes after the hour, for the collector to run. When running Hourly, select the minutes after the hour for the collector to run.
The other options are for adding more details to the log file, the larger the number the larger the log file, and if the data source time stamps are in UTC format.
The Source Configuration is to define the data source of CSV files:
Select the folder containing the CSV files and whether to have the collector delete the files after they have been processed or not.
The Destination Configuration is for the Hach SCADA database.
After creating a database table defined above, fill in the blanks to connect to that data table.
Click the Test Connection button to verify the form is filled out properly. Once successful, click the Apply Settings buttons, on the next screen you can Save Settings perminantely.