This error message is received when attempting to launch the Hach WIMS application or other application. The message appears before any part of the user interface loads and when you click 'OK' the message disappears and the application fails to launch.
The probable cause of this is because the default temporary file directory in windows is set to a path that is not accesible or does not exist. This causes the application to fail because it is trying to use the temporary folder to load a graphic assigned to a form or other component of the application.
To verify the cause above: run a Windows command prompt (Start -> Run -> type in 'cmd' and click OK). At the command prompt, type in 'echo %temp%' and press <Enter>. The path to the Windows default temporary file directory is displayed. If this path is not accesible to the application being run or the user running the application, it will generate this error message and close the application.
The solution to this can be handled in a couple ways, depending on the root cause of the problem and the IT policies in place:
Change the user accounts assigned Temporary directory or the Windows default temporary directory. This may be set by the Windows Active Directory or by a setting in the Windows installation in question.
Change the user permissions and/or security such that the user experiencing this problem has access to the temporary folder if it exists.
Create the directory specified if it does not exist and ensure that the user has access to it.