Home : Products : Hach WIMS : Interfaces : Hach WIMS Direct Server-Side Interface to Custom Q12410 LabVantage LIMS : Documentation : Main Menu : Using Interface with Rio
Q14691 - INFO: Using Interface with Rio

This article explains how you can use your interface to move data from your data source into Rio instead of to WIMS.

Note: To be able to automatically move data to Rio you must have a Rio Account, user and password.

There are three parts to this functionality:

  • Send data to a CSV file instead of to WIMS.
    • This CSV file could be manually dragged into Rio.
  • Select variables to pull data for from a CSV file.
    • Variable definitions are described in the CSV file.
    • This option allows running the interface without WIMS being present.
  • Push data automatically to Rio.
    • This will allow the CSV file created with the data to be automatically pushed to Rio.
    • If using this option, you must also select to send data to a CSV file.


Setup is done from the Advanced Configuration Screen.   Configuration > Advanced Configuration.

Output CSV file

This tab is where you setup information for saving data to a CSV file

  • Output data to CSV file instead of to WIMS
    • Check this box if you want to send data to a CSV file.
  • Path
    • This is the path to the location you want the file saved.
  • Filename
    • Name you want for the CSV file
    • Tokens - The following tokens can be entered in the filename.  They will be resolved to date and time parts.  These are case insensitive.
      • {yyyy} or {yy}
        • These will be resolved to a two or four digit year
      • {mm} or {m}
        • These will be resolved to a one or two digit month
      • {dd} or {d}
        • These will be resolved to a one or two digit day
      • {hh} or {h}
        • These will be resolved to a one or two digit hour
      • {nn} or {n}
        • These will be resolved to a one of two digit minute
  • If File Exists
    • Overwrite will overwrite the file if it exists.
    • Append will append data to the existing file.
  • SCADA Tags
    • Append Statistic to Tag
      • If checked the statistic for the variable will be appended to the tag in the CSV file, separated by a :
        • example:  AIT-EFF-Ph:AVERAGE
        • This is important if you want to track different statistics on the same tag.
        • This option Is only valid for SCADA interfaces.

Input CSV File

This tab is used to enter information for an Input CSV File.

  • This file will provide the variable information needed for the interface.
    • This is the same kind of information set on a WIMS variable.
    • Layout is explained later in this article.

  • Input Variables from CSV (Bypass WIMS)
    • If this box is checked, the variable list to collect data from will be read from a CSV file instead of from WIMS.
      • If this box is checked, the Output to CSV box must also be checked.
  • Path
    • Path to the Variable Input CSV file.
  • Filename
    • Name of the Variable Input CSV file.


Connection and credentials for connecting to Rio.

  • Auto upload of CSV file to Rio
    • If this box is checked, the CSV file with the data collected from the source will be automatically uploaded to Rio.
  • Upload to Sub Tenants
    • If this box is checked, the CSV file with the data collected from the source will be uploaded to all Tenants/Operations under the login user.
  • URL
    • This is your Rio URL.
  • User
    • This is your Rio User name.
  • Password
    • This is your Rio User Password.
  • Proxy
    • This is only needed if your environment utilizes a proxy server.
    • The syntax would be Proxy IP:Port #
  • Operation
    • Rio Operation or Plant to send data to.
      • The Load button will load the dropdown with available Operations.
  • Test Connection will try to connect to Rio with the provided credentials.

CSV File Layouts


Output CSV File

  • StartTime
  • StopTime
  • Tag
  • Value

"2021/8/29 0:00","2021/8/30 6:00","03005001:LAST","7.78"
"2021/8/30 0:00","2021/8/31 6:00","03005001:LAST","6.88"
"2021/8/31 0:00","2021/9/1 6:00","03005001:LAST","4.78"
"2021/9/1 0:00","2021/9/2 6:00","03005001:LAST","8.34"
"2021/8/30 0:00","2021/8/30 23:59","03005001:AVERAGE","8.84"
"2021/9/1 0:00","2021/9/1 23:59","03005001:AVERAGE","6.107"
"2021/9/2 0:00","2021/9/2 23:59","03005001:AVERAGE","7.443"

Input File

  • Tag
  • StartTime
  • StopTime
  • InterfaceType
  • Statistic
  • ScaleFactor
  • DecPlaces
  • VarType



Output File

  • StartTime
  • StopTime
  • SampleLocation
  • Analyte
  • Value

"2021/8/4 0:00","2021/8/4 0:00","Effluent","BOD","<2"
"2021/8/4 0:00","2021/8/4 0:00","Effluent","TSS","7.3"
"2021/8/11 0:00","2021/8/11 0:00","Effluent","Ph","7.5"
"2021/8/11 0:00","2021/8/11 0:00","Effluent","BOD","4.5"
"2021/8/16 0:00","2021/8/16 0:00","Effluent","TSS","6.3"
"2021/8/16 0:00","2021/8/16 0:00","Influent","TSS","205"

Input File

  • Lims Location
  • Lims Test
  • Lims Ud1
  • DecPlaces
  • VarType



 P – Daily variable / parameter
 C – Daily calculated variable
 T – Daily text variable
 4 – Daily Detail variable tracked every 4 hours
 G – 4 hour calc.
 E – 4 hour text variable
 H – Daily Detail variable tracked every hour
 N – Hourly Calc
 B – Hourly Text
 F – Daily Detail variable tracked every 15 minutes
 V – 15 Minute Calc
 X – 15 Minute Text

Cross Referencing WIMS Variables (or those provided in a variable input csv file) with Rio

  • In Rio
    • Configure Parameter
    • DataSource
    • SCADA
      • Select Scada and enter tag.
      • If you have selected Append Statistic to Tag.  Enter Tag:Statistic
    • LIMS
      • Select Lab and enter Location and Test with @@ between.

SCADA Example:

LIMS Example:







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Created on 11/19/2021 9:10 AM.
Last Modified on 1/24/2024 11:56 AM.
Last Modified by Steve Fifer.
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