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Q11183 - INFO: Illinois eDMR

WARNING: The Illinois EPA has switched to NetDMR format.  This menu item should no longer be used and is listed here for backwards compatibility. 

This locate menu item is used to locate columns of data onto a spread report.  The report can then be used to generate an Illinois eDMR file electronically to be submitted to the state reporting website.


found in 5 locations, this button is used to open a browser to select a variable for a corresponding permit requirement

accepts all specified inputs and generates one column of data for filling out the Illinois eDMR

cancels all inputs and closes the Illinois eDMR window


The Illinois EPA eDMR program can import CSV files in a standard state specified format (eDMR2, old eDMR no longer supported).  WIMS generates files in this format from Report Pac, Spread Reports using the Output To EDMR / Electonic Report File.   This locate function is used to design the spread report for output to the states format.  The files consists of 21 values separated by commas.

Value Required Field Max Length Description Notes
1 Y NPID 9 NPDES Permit ID IL9999999
2 Y DSCH 3 Permitted Feature/Discharge Number Example: 001
3 Y DRID 1 Limit Set designator Q - Quarterly, S - Semi Annual, A Annual, etc...
4 Y 8 Monitoring Period End Data Must be end of a month in MMDDYYYY format
5 Y PRAM 5 Parameter Code Storet Code
6 Y MLOC 1 Monitoring Location Code
7 N MQAV 8 Quantity Average Unadjusted quantity or loading average.  Measurement qualifier (if present) followed by measurement.  Examples:  25.3, >9.2, <2, T
8 N MQMX 8 Quantity Maximum Unadjusted quantity or loading maximum.  Measurement qualifier (if present) followed by measurement.  Examples:  25.3, >9.2, <2, T
9 N MCMN 8 Concentration Mininum Unadjusted quality or concentration minimum.  Measurement qualifier (if present) followed by measurement.  Examples:  25.3, >9.2, <2, T
10 N MCAV 8 Concentration Average Unadjusted quality or concentration average.  Measurement qualifier (if present) followed by measurement.  Examples:  25.3, >9.2, <2, T
11 N MCMX 8 Concentration Maximum Unadjusted quality or concentration maximum.  Measurement qualifier (if present) followed by measurement.  Examples:  25.3, >9.2, <2, T
12 N AQAV 8 Adjusted Quantity Average Typically not required - Adjusted for Effluent Trading Quantity Average
13 N AQMX 8 Adjusted Quantity Maximum Typically not required - Adjusted for Effluent Trading Quantity Maximum
14 N ACMN 8 Adjusted Concentration Mininum Typically not required - Adjusted for Effluent Trading Concentration Minimum
15 N ACAV 8 Adjusted Concentration Average Typically not required - Adjusted for Effluent Trading Concentration Average
16 N ACMX 8 Adjusted Concentration Maximum Typically not required - Adjusted for Effluent Trading Concentration Maximum
17 N REXC 2 Number of Excursions
18 N RFRQ 5 Frequency of Analysis Code
19 N RSAM 2 Sample Type Code
20 N NODI 1 No Data Indicator Code
21 N 128 No Data Comments



Adjusted values only need to be populated when Effluent Trading is used:

Facilities typically report as measurements only the values that represent their actual discharges, but in some cases certain adjustments apply. For example, if facility A is allowed to discharge 10 units of mercury and facility B is allowed to discharge 8 in the same reporting period, but facility A finds the constraint restrictive while facility B does not, IEPA may permit the two facilities to transfer a portion of facility B’s allotment; e.g., facility B might sell 3 units’ worth to facility A, effectively raising facility A’s permitted threshold to 13 units of mercury and lowering facility B’s permitted threshold to 5 units, leaving the total permitted amount unchanged at 18 units. This kind of arrangement is called effluent trading. When effluent trading is in effect for a parameter, each of the facilities involved must report unadjusted measurement(s), which are the actual amounts discharged, and adjusted measurement(s), which are the amounts adjusted for effluent trading. In the example above, facility A’s adjusted mercury measurements would be 3 units less than its unadjusted measurements (but no less than zero), and facility B’s adjusted measurementswould be 3 units more.

Many of the above fields are mapped from the printed NPDES DMR report as shown below: 

Reporting of values:

Each measurement may include a numeric measurement value and/or a measurement qualifier. Most measurements have a numeric measurement value but no qualifier (e.g., “8.2”), some have both a qualifier and a numeric value (e.g., “<8.2”), and there is one special case (i.e., “T”, which means “too numerous to count”) in which there is a qualifier but no numeric value. The valid measurement qualifiers are “<”, “=”, “>”, “T”, and “E” (which means “estimate”). “T” never has an accompanying numeric value, while “<”, “=”, “>”, and “E” always must. When a measurement contains both a qualifier and a value, the qualifier always precedes the value.

Example file to be uploaded:

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Created on 5/9/2008 9:28 AM.
Last Modified on 1/15/2014 5:05 PM.
Last Modified by Scott Dorner.
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