Home : Products : Hach WIMS : Hach WIMS Client : Documentation : Main Menu : Design : Spread Reports : eDMR / eReport : Wisconsin Drinking Water eMOR
Q14021 - INFO: Wisconsin Drinking Water eMOR

This locate menu item is used to locate columns of data to be utilized by Hach WIMS's spread report module to fill out a Wisconsin eMOR (electronic MOR) to be filed with the state's website.

Steps to design a Wisconsin eMOR spread report that will populate your XML file for submission to the state's website. 

1. Download your eMOR XML template file from the state's website and place file in your WIMS eDMR Source Folder.  This is an XML file that specifies your PWSID, Inventory ID, Inventory Items, and treatment numbers that need to be reported (example WI_DW_eMOR_Test_Example_System_XML.xml).

2. Open a new report in Spread Report Design.

3. Select Locate, eDMR / Electronic Report Link, Wisconsin eMOR (Drinking Water)

4. Click Load, and browse to the file downloaded in Step 1.

5. Click on a record in the eMOR Source XML list and the pwsID, Inventory ID, Inventory Name, and Treatement Number will be populated.

6. Choose the corresponding WIMS Variable for the pwsID, Inventory Name, and Treatement Number.  Click OK and the data will be placed on the report.

7. Repeat Locate,  eDMR / Electronic Report Link, Wisconsin eMOR (Drinking Water) for each record in the eMOR Source XML list

8. Save the report.

You can then use Report Pac, Spread Report, set Output to "eDMR / Electronic Report File" to produce your XML file for upload to the state's website. 


Variable: Hach WIMS variable that will populate the field and write to the "value" tag in the XML file.

Date: This tells the locate function where the date field is to be found; either it will locate dates to the left of the column of data, or you can specify which column has dates.

pwsID: This is the facility ID number found in the XML file which is downloaded from the state's website. There is only one number per XML file.

Inventory ID: This is the unique identifier, used by the report, for the inventory name.

Inventory Name: This is the inventory name that locates the treatment number. There can be one to many inventory names and do not have to be unique.

Treatment Number: This is the treatment number that is associated to the Hach WIMS variable. There can be one to many treatment numbers for each inventory name.



opens a browser to select the appropriate variable from Hach WIMS

loads an input XML file downloaded from the state which specifies each permit requirement

closes the window, locating the corresponding data in the column selected

closes the window without locating any data and returns to the spread report designer


See Wisconsin eMOR Upload Instructions for steps to produce and upload the file to the state's website after the report is designed.

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Created on 12/28/2012 8:43 AM.
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