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Q14119 - HOWTO: Produce your Missouri eDMR report

Once you have your report designed (see How to design your Missouri eDMR Report) the following steps will take you through how to produce your monthly report using the eDMR system's copy/paste feature.

1. Go to https://edmr-test.dnr.mo.gov/edmr/E2/Shared/Pages/Main/Login.aspx and login with your username and password.

2.  Click on Create a New Report.

3. Click the Online Entry Icon for the report to be filled out:


4. Choose Copy and Paste a Report option:


5. Open your report in spread design and copy the body of the report.  NOTE:  Format numbers with NO COMMA thousand seperator. 

6. Paste values into eDMR Copy Paste buffer and click Update Data:

8. Complete the DMR web form by filling in the other fields that could not be pasted, such as comments. Click Next.

9. Fill in your General Report Comments and Explanation and Operator Information and click Next.

10.  Export your Daily DMR to Excel using Report Pac, Spread Report. 


11. Attach the produced file as your Daily DMR Attachment:

10.  The Report review page will be displayed.  Verify Data Validation is "Report has been validated without any error."  and click Continue.

11.  Check the Acknowledge box and fill in your pin (issued by state).  Click Submit. 

12. The E2 receipt page will be displayed.  Your report has been submitted to the state.

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Created on 6/6/2013 1:34 PM.
Last Modified on 7/29/2013 8:22 AM.
Last Modified by Scott Dorner.
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