This article describes how to convert the cross reference fields from OPSSQL Client settings in User Defined fields, to the Hach WIMS Client settings on the Interface tab.
Before we can get start, all facilities need to be updated from OPSSQL to Hach WIMS, the interface Q13415 needs to be configured, and an instance of the interface must exist in Hach WIMS Client. To configure the interface, read Step-by-Step Instructions on How to Configure Interface. To ensure an instance exists in Hach WIMS Client, read Configure the Hach WIMS Client for a Server-Side Interface (LIMS2OPSSQL).
Fields Used in OPSSQL:
UD1: Identified as the two letter, but was later changed to the interface level - this field is blank.
UD2: This identifies the location in the LabVantage database under the field SOURCE.
UD3: This identifies the sample test or analysis done and matches the field W_RESULT in LabVantage.
UD4: This was a conversion factor and only used when the source was ug/l and the destination was mg/l.
Fields in Hach WIMS:
LIMS_LOC will have to be populated with the last two letter value of the facility and be used to match LSOURCE field in LabVantage
LIMS_TEST will have the UD2 values.
LIMS_UD1 will have the UD3 values.
UD4 is not needed, the interface will automatically perform unit conversions.
Get the Interface ID:
- From Hach WIMS Client, select menu option System Setup -> Admin Console.
- Select Action Script tab.
- Press Execute! for script 23. Execute custom SQL commands against the OPSROOT database.
- Execute the following query: select interface_id from G2_SERVER where lu_id='13415'
- Write down the interface_id.
- Close the SQL Console and the Admin Console.
Migrate Cross-Reference values:
There are a couple things we need to accomplish. This will need to be performed on each facility, individually.
- Copy the values for cross-reference from UD fields into their appropriate LIMS fields
- Enable the interface for these variables only
- Go to the next facility and repeat
- Copy UD fields to LIMS fields.
- From Hach WIMS Client, press F9 to bring up the SQL Console window
- Execute the following query, change 'BT' to the appropriate two letter facility (facility OPSBT = 'BT'):
update vardesc set lims_loc='BT', lims_test=ud2, lims_ud1=ud3 where ud2 is not null
- Enable the interface.
- Execute the following query, change 66 to the appropriate interface_id from above:
update vardesc set g2_interface_id=66, g2_enabled=-1 where lims_test is not null
- Select the next facility and repeat 1 and 2.