The interface was tested against data running on an Oracle 10g Express database, version 10.2.1, The data tested with was exported from an Oracle 10.2.1.
The query for source data is:
select m.USER_SAMPLEID, m.SAMPLE_TYPE min(TO_DATE(decode(,'COLLECTION DATE',nt.text_value), 'MM,DD,YYYY')) coldate, r.userstamp, m.sample_id, r.COMPONENT, min(decode(,'REFERENCE NO',nt.text_value)) sampleid, case when substr(r.text_value,1,1) = '<' and UPPER(r.UNITS) = 'UG/L' then '<' || TO_CHAR(TO_NUMBER(substr(r.text_value,2,16),'99999999D999999')/1000) when substr(r.text_value,1,1) <> '<' and UPPER(r.UNITS) = 'UG/L' then TO_CHAR(TO_NUMBER(substr(r.text_value,1,16),'99999999D999999')/1000) when substr(r.text_value,1,1) = '<' and UPPER(r.UNITS) <> 'UG/L' then '<' || TO_CHAR(substr(r.text_value,2,16)) else TO_CHAR(r.text_value) end as res, case when UPPER(r.UNITS) = 'UG/L' then 'MG/L' else UPPER(r.Units) end as UNITS, min(decode(,'SUBMITTER INITIALS', substr(nt.text_value,1,3))) Sampler, r.result_id, r.measure, r.entry_userid, to_char(r.entry_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY') as entrydate, to_char(r.entry_date, 'HH:MI:SS') as entrytime from SQLLIMS.nai_samples m, SQLLIMS.nai_results r, table (select atttributes from SQLLIMS.nai_samples where sample_id = m.sample_id) (+) nt where m.sample_id = r.sample_id and upper(r.condition) = 'APPROVED' and upper(r.status) = 'COMPLETE' and m.timestamp > '1-JAN-2005' and r.entry_date >= TO_DATE('29-Jan-2010 12:00:00 AM', 'dd-Mon-yyyy HH:MI:SS AM') and r.entry_date < TO_DATE('29-Jan-2010 12:00:00 AM', 'dd-Mon-yyyy HH:MI:SS AM') and upper(r.status) = 'COMPLETE' and upper(r.condition) = 'APPROVED' and upper(r.value_type) <> 'TIME' group by m.USER_SAMPLEID, r.entry_date, r.component, r.text_value, r.units, r.userstamp, r.result_id, r.measure, r.entry_userid, m.sample_id