The Hach WIMS Direct Server-side Interface to Rockwell RSView32 collects data directly from the RSView32 system's data files. The data is then summarized and imported into the Hach WIMS Database and stored in a Hach WIMS Variable. For more information, please see the following topics:
Rockwell's RSView 32 can make files in long name format or short name format. Both formats use the date as part of the file name. The dBase IV files are in pairs; one containing all the tag names and the other containing historical data values in wide format.
Long name format for 15 August, 2010 pair of dBase IV files would look like:
2010 08 15 0000 (Tagname).DBF
2010 08 15 0000 (Wide).DBF
The comparable short name format would look like:
The 'T' is equivalent to the Tagname file and the 'W' is the same as the Wide file which contains the actual data.
The interface copies the RSView system's DBF files to a local directory before attempting to import data from them.