When the interface is configured in Hach WIMS, the browser connection is also configured. Here is what appears:
Enter the connection string to LabVantage database and the owner of the database table "u_transfer".
When browsing for Location, the following screen will be shown:
When browsing for the Parameter, the following screen will be shown:
When selecting a Sample Type, the following screen will appear:
Use the following controls to select values.
- Shortcut Buttons
- OK - send the selected tag name back to the Hach WIMS client.
- Cancel -cancel selecting a tag.
- Find - allow user to find a specific tag or series of tags.
- Help - bring up help information about the interface and specifically the browser.
- Exit - exit the browser without making a tag selection.
- Browser Menu
- File - Ok, Cancel, Find and Exit work same as Shortcut Button it is associated with
- Help - How to use this browser brings up help file that you can navigate to learn more about the browser and the interface associated with it.