Forecast calculates, or predicts, a future value using linear regression based on the data for the variable in the report date range. The calculated value is the predicted value for a given number of days from the start date of the report. The value is predicted by using linear regression.
Forecast(VarNum, Days, Optional Coefficient Minimum)
VarNum: The variable number to analyze
Days: The number of days from the start date to predict.
Coefficient Minimum: Optional. Sets the minimum acceptable Coefficient of Correlation. If the Coefficient of Correlation is below this value, no forecast value will be calculated. If left blank, the Forecast value is always displayed.
Forecast(1,45,0.6) Calculates the predicted value for variable 1, forty five (45) days from the start date of the report. Calculates a best fit line equation (using linear regression) for variable 1 using data in the report date range. It then extroplates the line to the desired number of days. If the Coefficient of Correlation is below .6, no value will be calculated.