NFORMAT rounds the value to the specified Decimal Places and sets the cell to display to the specifed Decimal Places (ie it overrides Format, Cell, Decimal Places).
Value: Value to be formatted. Can be value, cell reference, or another function.
Decimal Places: Number of Decimal Places to round to
This function is used when designing a report that prompts for the variable number that you want to report on. Using this function with VINFO (see example below) allows you to format the results properly.
NFORMAT(7.678,2) displays 7.68 in the cell
NFORMAT(B3,VINFO(41,"DECPLACES")) displays 4.7 where B3 = 4.6667. VINFO is used to return the number of Decimal Places for variable 41.
NFORMAT(V(B$2,1),VINFO(B$2,"DECPLACES")) formats the daily value for the variable number entered in B2 to the number of decimal places for the variable number entered in B2