The LIMS data is transferred to u_transfer by the customer's own triggers and using Microsoft SQL Server 2005.
This is an example of the u_transfer table with a description of how the fields are used:
- U_TRANSFERID - unique ID field that can be imported into a Hach WIMS additional info field
- CREATEDT - the date the data point was entered into the database, used by the interface when search a date range
- LOCATIONID - location that is used as cross reference in Hach WIMS field LIMS_LOC
- PARAMID - test/analyte used as cross reference in Hach WIMS field LIMS_TEST
- DATECOLLECTED - date the sample was collected, also the date the data point is stored in Hach WIMS
- RESULT - value to be imported, depending on it's value and preexisting condition, can insert, modify or delete a data point in Hach WIMS
- STATUS - the Lab status of the data point, typically RAW or FINAL, the interface maps these values to numeric approval levels in Hach WIMS
- PROCESSED - once a data point's transaction has completed in Hach WIMS, the interface writes a 'Y' to this field
- U_SAMPLETYPE - if used, can specify the type of sample, typically COMPOSITE or GRAB. In Hach WIMS, a variable can be limited to one or the other.
Note: there are other fields in u_transfer table, but not used by the interface