The Hach WIMS Direct Server-Side Interface to Hach UDG1000 (Q14088) relies on a UDG1000 Cross Reference Parameter GUID.
When using the browser, on the WIMS Variable/Interface tab, there may be many GUID's listed.
To find the current GUID's being used by UDG1000 use the following:
1. Download and install the latest version of PG Admin III.
2. Log into PG Admin III as User postgres, see Internal Passwords for login info.
3. Browse to OutputCrossReferences: (localhost:56298)/Databases/udg1k/Schemas/public/Tables/OutputCrossReferences
4. Right click on OutputCrossReferences. Go View Data/View All Rows.
5. You will now have a list of GUID's that can be Cross Referenced in WIMS. Id uuid is the GUID.