Installation of SQL Server 2012 Express
Located on Hach WIMS DVD R18, run the appropriate sqlserver12.exe for 32 or 64 bit as shown below:
Figure 1 - When you first open the MSI file you see this.
Figure 2 - After the MSI uploads its files this window is shown. This is where you decide what you want to do.
Figure 3 - This window is shown while the installer is checking your system to make sure it is ready for SQL Server 2012.
Figure 4 - This is were the lawyers get their two cents worth.
Figure 5 - The installer checks to see if there are updataes for this install. This can be skipped.
Figure 6 - Another rules check (there seems to be a couple installers and each needs to check).
Figure 7 - Here is where you select what to install. For WIMS the top two items need to be installed. I suggest using the
default directories unless you have your IT's input on the matter.
Figure 8 - In this case you need to select the "Default instance" and let Hach's Server Setup create the database objects
that WIMS needs.
NOTE: The SA password can be whatever you want it to be, as long as it matches password complexity requirements. However, we recommend using the standard IIM password. To get the password entered, call IIM Tech Support at 800-677-0067*2.