In order to import data from Generic LIMS Interface you must configure (cross reference) the variable's interface settings to pull the correct data. Basically, you need to specify the Sample Location, Analyte and optionally LIMS UD1 to pull data from:
The LIMS Location will match on the Source Query's SAMPLOC field.
The LIMS Test will match on the Source Query's Analyte field. The LIMS Test field may also specify multiple analytes to import data from by separating the analytes with a ~ (tilda). Example, I want to get data from the Analyte BOD or CBOD:
The LIMS UD1 field will match on the LIMS_UD1 field.
NOTE: If both analytes for a location are run for the same data slot (i.e. day) the interface will write data for the first record and then overwrite with the second record found. Therefore, the ORDER BY Clause in the query will set which one is used.
Example Source Configuration: