MVDWO returns the Date of the Xth value (where X is set by Offset) from a series of values.
MVDWO(Offset, DateFormat, VarNum1, VarNum2, ...,VarNum99)
MVDWO(Offset, DateFormat, "Where Clause")
where :
Offset sets which date to return, (i.e., date of 1st Value, 2nd Value, etc...)
DateFormat is the Format for the date to return. Common Formats:
"mm/dd/yyyy" Returns: 08/15/2008
"mm/dd/yy HH:MM" Returns: 08/15/2008 10:45
VarNum1, VarNum2,...,VarNum99 is a comma separated list of variables that sets which variable to search.
"Where clause" : Instead of providing a list of variables, you can use an SQL WHERE clause against the VarDesc/Location tables to get the list of variables. (i.e., "Units = 'mg/L'" would return all variables with Units set to mg/L. NOTE: In order to refer to the Location table you MUST specify the table name (i.e. LOCATION.LVL2_ID). See examples.
All variables listed MUST have the same frequency (i.e., daily, hourly, ...).
Input Data:
Example Functions and their results:
Example 2: Find the date of the 1st Free Chlorines with Bacti as the parent location
MVDWO(1,"Short Date","NAME LIKE 'Free Chlorine%' AND LOCATION.PARENTID=33")
Notice that 02/02/2009 is returned twice. The 2nd result from all input variables happened on the Feb 2nd. If you want unique dates use MVUDWO