The first step in producing the eDMR for submittal to the Missouri DNR is to download the facility participation package and mail to the state. This will get you login credentials for the e2 system. Go to and click on New to e-DMR? link for more information.
Once you have login credentials the basics steps are to:
1. Download the Requirement CSV file.
2. Design the Report in Spread Reports with the appropriate values.
3. Fill out the report using the Cut and Paste feature in the e-DMR system.
Step 1: Download the RequirementExcel.csv file for your report
1. Go to and login with your username and password.
2. Click on Create a New Report.
3. Download the SITE_ReportingRequirementExcel_1.csv file to your desktop.
Step 2: Design the Report in Spread Reports with the appropriate values
1. Open the SITE_ReportingRequirementExcel_1.csv file with Excel and copy the first column (i.e. the list of parameters).
2. Create a new spread report with the MO_WW_EDMR_COPY_PASTE.hwr (Click here for instructions on downloading a template). Go to Design, Spread Reports, File, New and pick the template:
3. Paste the parameters to cell A3 of the template.
4. Locate the values using Locate, Report Summary to the required cells. Unused cells should contain ***** (five '*'). NOTE: Format numbers with NO COMMA thousand seperator.
5. Save the report.
You have now designed your eDMR report.
See How to produce your Missouri eDMR for instructions on how to fill out and submit your report.