DDCC Returns the count of how many times a condition or comparison is true for a daily detail variable. The count is limited to a specific portion of the day using the StartHour and StopHour inputs.
where :
Cx is a conditional variable x
Comp Comparison. Any valid operator such as ">", "<", or "=". Each operator must be in quotations.
Exp is an Expression which is the value used in the comparison
StartHour defines the hour to start gathering data for the calculation, using a 24 hour time designation
StopHour defines the hour to stop gathering data, which includes data to the end of the specified hour (i.e., StopHour = 14, data will be collected until 2:59pm)
V77 = DDCC(C72,">",3,1,10)
Returns how many times daily detail results in variable 72 are greater than 3 between 1:00 AM and 10:59 AM
Note: Known issue. When using DDCC function in a variable you get a notification that "algebraic type not allowed" if it is preceded with +,-,/, or *. If you reverse the order and place the +,-,/, or * AFTER the function it will allow it.
Another workaround would be to use two variables.