Home : Licensing Overview
Q10503 - INFO: Licensing Overview

Hach WIMS is licensed based on maximum number of concurrent users that are allowed in the system at the same time, number of facility databases, number of interfaces, and databases supported.

The Hach WIMS Client can be installed on unlimited number of PC's or Virtual Machines. But only a certain number of users can be connected to the WIMS Database Server at a time. This number is defined in your license. 

Example of licensing enforcement (steps happen in this chronological order):

  1. You purchase Hach WIMS with 3 concurrent user licenses.
  2. You install the WIMS Client on 10 desktop machines, all connecting to WIMS Database Server name DBSERVER
  3. Operator from DESKTOP1 connects to DBSERVER. There's 1 concurrent connection.
  4. Operator from DESKTOP2 connects to DBSERVER. There are 2 concurrent connections 
  5. Operator from DESKTOP3 connects to DBSERVER. There are 3 concurrent connections
  6. Operator from DESKTOP1 disconnects from DBSERVER. There are 2 concurrent connections
  7. Operator from DESKTOP8 connects to DBSERVER. There are 3 concurrent connections
  8. Operator from DESKTOP9 tries to connect to DBSERVER. Since there are already 3 concurrent connections established, hence he cannot login at this time.
  9. Operator from DESKTOP2 disconnects from DBSERVER. There are 2 concurrent connections
  10. Operator from DESKTOP9 connects to DBSERVER. There are 3 concurrent connections.


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Created on 10/4/2007 3:23 PM.
Last Modified on 5/31/2011 12:05 PM.
Last Modified by Scott Dorner.
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