Home : Using WIMS to Rio Data Conversion
Q14768 - INFO: Using WIMS to Rio Data Conversion

The WIMS Data Conversion Utility imports data from a WIMS database to a Rio Operation that was created via the WIMS to Rio Configuration Conversion Utility. The Configuration Conversion Utility populates the Rio parameters description field with the WIMS VARID and is used by the data conversion utility to cross reference WIMS to Rio. 


Start the Utility

Click the Data Conversion Desktop Icon created during install.  Note: Utility is installed in C:\Program Files\Aquatic Informatics\WIMS to Rio Synchronization Utilities\DataConversion by default if desktop icon is not available.

Step 1: Enter your Rio Login information (Environment should be set to ONE US Production).

Step 2: Select Rio Operation.  The operation must be created by the WIMS to Rio Configuration Conversion Utility.   

Step 3 will be skipped as you will be automatically connected to the WIMS database that was used by the Configuration Conversion Utility. 


Task 1: Choose which WIMS variable frequencies to import.  Typically, you will check all.  NOTE: Rio only supports 15 minute, hourly, 4 hour, and daily variables. 

Task 2: Max Cells / Transaction and Max Days / Flush should be left at their defaults of 1000 and 30. 

Convert Calculated Data.  This will import data from WIMS into a calculated Rio parameter, override the Rio formula (i.e. force), and lock the cell to prevent Rio from recalculating the cell.

Ensure data is not duplicated:  When checked, the Utility will first check if the exact data value exists in Rio before writing the record to Rio.  If unchecked, it will write the record without the check improving data import speed.  If data does exist, this will create a duplicate Audit record.  However, this will have no adverse effect on WIMS or Rio (other than user will see 2 audit records).   

Task 3: Set the date range.  Note the Data Conversion Utility can be run multiple times. 

Click Convert Data:  The Start Date will update showing progress.  Status Bar Message in lower left corner will display a complete message when conversion is done.  


Back data is now populated in Rio:




  • Data and Audit trails are synced.  The Rio Changed on will be the same as the WIMS Audit Date and Time.  The Server updated is when Rio was actually updated. 
  • Data is moved from WIMS to Rio with no formatting of decimal places.  In this example, Total MLSS Mass has it's WIMS decimal places set to 0, but the calculation does not round the value.  Therefore it is displayed as 64989 in Monthly Data Entry but the actual value is 65989.45.  This is the value you see in Rio.  You can use the Rio Round displayed decimals in Edit Parameter or use the WIMS Math Toolbox Round function to address if required.
  • The Data Conversion Utility will create an entry in your Data Studio Services - Computer Name: WIMS Data Conversion if it does not already exist. 


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Created on 2/5/2024 3:16 PM.
Last Modified on 2/5/2024 4:45 PM.
Last Modified by Steve Fifer.
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