Home : Configuring WIMS-Rio Sync Service
Q14770 - INFO: Configuring WIMS-Rio Sync Service

The configuration is held in the ONE.WimsDataConversion.WindowsService.dll.config file located in C:\Program Files\Aquatic Informatics\WIMS to Rio Synchronization Utilities\SyncService (by default).

In the config file you need to set the following:

Username/Password - It is STRONGLY recommended that you use a WIMS Service Account User (password does not expire for this limit user). 

Environment: Default to "ONE US Production"

ClientName: The Data Studio Service name that was created by the WIMS to Rio Data Conversion Utility.

Allowed Sources: WIMS Data service name.

Update the config file and save.  Restart the WIMS-Rio Sync service.  Once a connection is made to Rio, your config file will be updated, the Username/password will be encrypted and the ClientID Guid will be populated. 

Data Studio:

1. Log into Data Studio

2. Go to Data Services and click on your service.


Max Flush Days: Leave at default of 30

Max cells per transaction: Leave at default of 1000

Max processing time: Default of 00:05. For large systems, may need to be increased if data cannot be processed in 5 minutes.

Days to fetch: Number of days to go back in Rio to look for data changes.  Note: the higher the number of days the slower sync will run.  Max of 62 days.

Log Level:

Configuration check frequency: How often the service will check if the Config file or Data Studio settings have changed and apply those settings.  NOTE: Restarting the service always rechecks the settings.

Synchronization frequency: How often the sync should occur.  Lowest setting allowed is 00:05 (5 minutes).





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Created on 2/5/2024 5:09 PM.
Last Modified on 2/5/2024 5:09 PM.
Last Modified by Steve Fifer.
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