SROUND Scientific Rounding. When the fractional part of a number is exactly 0.5 , the function always rounds it to the nearest even number. For example, 0.5 rounds to 0, and 1.5 rounds to 2.
SROUND(Cx or Exp, DecimalPlaces)
where :
Cx is a conditional variable x
Exp is a Expression
Decimal Places specifies the number of places after the decial to round the number
If Decimal Places is negative, it will round number to the left of the decimal point.
See also ROUND for standard rounding and SDIGITS significant digits rounding.
V132 = SROUND(C70,0)
In this example, variable 132 will contain the values from variable 70 rounded using the Scientific Rounding method described above:
(Note: The ROUND function's results have been included in the middle column for comparison)