Home : Edit/Close Sample
Q11096 - INFO: Edit/Close Sample

Used to edit Lab Cal Sample information (results, COC...).  To edit a sample from the Lab Cal Calendar:

  • Double click on the sample or
  • Click on the sample and click the Edit/Close Button.


Sample#: Unique id for the sample assigned by Lab Cal. 

Schedule Type: Displays whether the sample is scheduled (Regular) or created as a one-time sample (One-Time).

Sample Status: Displays the status of the sample (pending, received, analyzed, closed, skipped).

Scheduled Date: Displays the scheduled collection date/time.

Sample Name: The name associated with the sample.

Location: Samples can be assigned to a location. Assigning samples to a location allows you to browse for samples by location, filter the calendar...

Sample Type: Sets the Sample Type for the sample.

Sample Volume: Sets the volume of the sample taken at the sampling point.

Sampled By: Set to the personnel who took the sample.

Sample Date/Time: Sets the time the sample was taken. 

Rcvd in Lab By: Set to the personnel who received the sample in the lab.

Rcvd in Lab Date/Time: Sets the date and time the sample was received in the lab.

Assigned To: Samples can be assigned to personnel. This allows the calendar to be filtered to show only samples assigned to an individual. In Sample Setup you can set the default Assigned To

Date Closed: Date/Time sample was completed.

Client: If performing tests for a client/customer, sets the client for this sample.  (NOTE: field is not displayed if no clients have been setup).

Lab: Lab performing the tests. 


Save changes to samples and close the Edit/Close Sample Form
Saves changes to the sample, sets the sample status to closed, sets the Date Closed field to the current date/time (if the Date Closed field is not yet set) and closes the Close/Edit Sample form.  Sample will be turned gray () on the calendar.
Close the form without saving changes.
Delete the sample and close the form.  You will be prompted for confirmation.
Sets the sample status to skipped and the Close/Edit Sample form will be closed.  Sample will be turned green ()

TABS (Click on tab for more info)

Tests Enter results, analyzed by, etc.. for the sample.                               
Chain Of Custody Enter COC information.
Sample Notes Enter Comments on the Sample.
Sample Definition Notes Review Sample Definition Notes. 
Test Notes Review Notes for each Test.
User Defined Fields Enter User Defined Information.
Associated Samples Review/Enter/create parent/child samples.
Accounting Enter Billing/Accounting Information for the sample.

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Created on 5/4/2008 8:20 AM.
Last Modified on 10/30/2019 5:22 PM.
Last Modified by Scott Dorner.
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