The following is an overview of the steps necessary to get the WIMS system operational from an IT standpoint. Your Hach Project Manager will step you though the install and configuration via WebEx. Please review the steps below in preparation for the remote install.
- We will install and use our SQL Server Setup tool to create an account named OPSDBA, create a database named OPSROOT on your MS SQL Server Instance. We will need you to enter your SA username and password in order to create the OPSDBA account. At that point we will not need to login as SA anymore. NOTE: Hach WIMS requires mixed mode authentication.
- Attach the SQL database we’ve created for your system to your SQL Server instance. Database owner must be set to OPSDBA.
- Install the Hach WIMS NT Services on whatever computer / application server you’d like that is on the same network. These services should be on a powerful PC that has a stable connection to the database Server.
- AdoCalc: The WIMSTM Calc engine is an NT Service that monitors the WIMSTM databases and calculates data.
- Email Gateway (optional): Connects to your SMTP mail server and relays the emails generated by the Hach WIMS.
- Scheduler (optional): Used to schedule output of reports or graphs and database calculations.
- GNR Server (optional): Receives requests from the scheduler to output reports and graphs, sends the output to a printer, a file, or to email.
- Interfaces (optional): Connects to other systems (i.e. SCADA, LIMS, etc…) and imports specified data into the WIMS database.
4. Install the Client application on a pc connected to the network and test functionality
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