Home : Manually creating Interface browser tables
Q14480 - INFO: Manually creating Interface browser tables

Starting in WIMS 7.6.6 interface browsers can be loaded from tables in OPSROOT.  This allows any PC to browse the Tags/Locations/Analytes.  Some of the new interfaces (Q14412 Claros Collect for example) have a Gen Browsers button in Source Configuration that allows the user to create and populate these tables.  However, you can manually create and populate these tables to enable the browsers. 

Steps to create the Browser Tables for LIMS Interfaces:

1.  Go to System Setup>System Tables>Entire System>Server-Side Interface Setup

2. Click Edit button on the row of the Interface you want to setup the browser for:

3. Click on Browser by Table.  The current state of the Browser(s) will be displayed.  In this example, the table has not been setup yet and since it is a SCADA type interface only the SCADA Tag browser info is displayed. The table name is set as follows:

G2_Qxxxxx_y_TAGS - For SCADA Tag browser where xxxxx is the Q number of the interface (Q11924 in this example).  y is the InterfaceID. 
G2_Qxxxxx_y_LOCATIONS - For the LIMS Location browser where xxxxx is the Q number of the interface and y is the InterfaceID. 
G2_Qxxxxx_y_TESTS - For the LIMS Test/Analyte browser where xxxxx is the Q number of the interface and y is the InterfaceID. 

SCADA Example:

LIMS Example:

4. Click the Setup SCADA Tags button (or LIMSLOC, LIMSTEST depending on type of interface).  The Browser setup form will be displayed.  You can enter records individually or paste them in.  In this case, I have an Excel file of tags.  I will copy and paste the tags in. 

NOTE: Set Size (rows) may be needed if you have a large list (> 10,000 records).  It will allow you to set any number of rows required. 

5. Click Save and the Browser is setup. 

6. Go to System Setup>Edit/View Variables.  Click on the interface tab and the browser will be available:

SCADA Example:

LIMS Example:

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Created on 11/7/2017 11:37 AM.
Last Modified on 11/7/2017 2:16 PM.
Last Modified by Scott Dorner.
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