Home : Report Interactive View
Q14643 - INFO: Report Interactive View

Report Interactive View is a spread report preview that allows users to scroll, click, etc... in a spread report without using design.  All users can use Report Interactive View (user must have rights to the report group). 

Interactive view can be launched from Spread Report Output or a dashboard button.

Using Interactive View

  • Go to Report Pac>Spread Reports.  Choose the Report and pick Output to of Interactive View.

  • Report is displayed in Read Only mode in a spreadsheet:

  1. Use the toolbar to print, export the current view.  
  2. Use the Date Picker to change the report dates.
  3. Drop Down lists are enabled in Interactive View.
  4. All cells with text or formulas are locked from edit.  However, you can enter text into any empty cell.  The text is not saved but will be exported or printed during this view.
  5. Status Bar shows information on the current variable.  Double click and the Variable Info window will be displayed allowing you to drill into the data.
  6. For any highlighted cell range, basic statistics are calculated and displayed. 


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Created on 3/26/2021 5:31 PM.
Last Modified on 3/26/2021 5:31 PM.
Last Modified by Scott Dorner.
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