Home : Scheduled Tasks
Q11038 - INFO: Scheduled Tasks

Allows scheduling of GNR Tasks such as output of reports/graphs, backups, imports, email, etc... This menu option is only available to Super Users.


The following tasks can be scheduled


Creates a new task

Deletes/removes selected task

Executes selected task

Exit/closes Scheduled Tasks

Allows user to modify existing settings for selected task



Automatically run a report based on a trigger report.

Go to System Setup, Scheduled Tasks

Click on  button

Enter Task Description

Click on Schedule tab and set up schedule to run task

Click on "What to DO?" tab:

  • Select the report from the Select Trigger to run pull-down
  • Choose RELATIVE from the Use Dates pull-down.  This means the report will run relative to the current date/time. 
  • Choose date range from the Select Relative Dates pull-down.  See Relative Dates for Scheduled Tasks.

Click on "Output to" tab and select GNR SERVER PRINTER.

A task has now been scheduled to print a report based on a Trigger Report


Calculate Database:

Select variables from list:

Select variables using Where Clause:


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Q11967 - INFO: Relative Dates for Scheduled Tasks

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Approved Comments...
You can use scheduled tasks to do it.1) Create a new task2) Dont use the wiarzd to create the task. Simply right click in the scheduled tasks area and select New from the popup menu. And give the new job a name.3) right click on the new task and select Properties from the popup menu.4) In the Run: prompt type:CMD /C shutdown -s -f 5) set the password6) set the schedule7) make sure its enabled, and youre good to go.OROn some computers, you can set an auto-off time in the computers CMOS, but I dont think it would shutdown the system clean .OR Per your addendum, you can set the power mode to shutdown the computer after three hours of no activity. Open up the display options (control panel display applet, or right click on the desktop and select Properties from the popup menu). Go to the Screen Saver tab. Click the power button and then set how long to wait before the system hibernates. Approved: 5/9/2012 4:21 PM
Do the other tabs variables and notifications work? Can you only schedule reports that have the variables embedded in them. No prompts? Approved: 12/12/2008 12:45 PM
Created on 4/25/2008 2:22 PM.
Last Modified on 9/29/2023 4:28 PM.
Last Modified by Steve Fifer.
Article has been viewed 8753 times.
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